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Apply: Women Techsters Cohort 3.3 Bootcamp

The Women Techsters Bootcamp is dedicated to offering comprehensive learning opportunities for participants to acquire essential coding skills, launch their careers, or bridge knowledge gaps in emerging technologies.

This 3-week introductory program is tailored for girls and women aged 16 to 40, featuring specialized tracks in:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Analysis
  • Product Design
  • Product Management
  • Software Development

Eligibility for the Women Techsters Bootcamp Application is open to women in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Algeria, South Sudan, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Liberia, Gambia, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

To apply, interested participants must complete a basic digital literacy assessment available in the subsequent section of this form. Successful applicants will require an active Microsoft Outlook email account (existing or new). Visit account.microsoft.com, click on Sign in, and choose Create one. Avoid selecting “use a phone number or get a new email address.” Only the provided functional Outlook address will grant entry to the learning channel in the second stage of the process.

By submitting this form, you agree that Tech4Dev can utilize your data for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning purposes. Familiarize yourself with our data usage policy at https://tech4dev.com/privacyPolicy.html.


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