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  • Apply Now for the Chatham House Mo Ibrahim Foundation Academy Fellowship 2024/2025 – Fully Funded to London, UK, with a Generous £2,365 Monthly Stipend for Young African Leaders.
Image showing Chatham House Mo Ibrahim Foundation Academy Fellowship 2024/2025 - Fully Funded to London, UK,

Apply Now for the Chatham House Mo Ibrahim Foundation Academy Fellowship 2024/2025 – Fully Funded to London, UK, with a Generous £2,365 Monthly Stipend for Young African Leaders.

The duo of Chatham House and MO Ibrahim Foundation has set up a joint task force of what is now known as the Chatham House MO Ibrahim Foundation Academy Fellowship. The merger of these two bodies provide candidates the opportunities to spend a whooping ten months at Chatham House researching on projects of their choice. This offer is usually given at the early-to-mid stage of their career. Individuals who participate in this workforce will be met with the opportunity of acquiring and improving their skills through the leadership programme and also remarkably propelling their professional network in international affairs.

The fellowship offer is open to citizens of African countries.
Applicants with dual nationalities in any African countries are also eligible for application

Applicants are required to possess a complete BA degree or any of its equivalent with a proven experience in research making.

Applicants are expected to be a specialty in one of the following fields: Academia, NGO, Business, Government Department, Civil Society or the Media. Applicants are also required to have a knowledge of international relations, chosen area of specialisation as well as knowledge of the Chatham House Mission and Research.

Age Restriction
Application for this opening is not restricted by age.

The academy will run from October 2024 till July 2025. This sums up the fact that applicants will spend 10 months at Chatham’s House.

All fellows will be lodged at Chatham’s House full time in London with the possibility of working as a hybrid.

Remuneration and Benefits
A token of £2,365 will be allocated to the fellow. This token will cover costs of living in London which includes accommodation, utilities, food, transport and other basic needs.

The academy will account for basic costs like:

  • Relocation e.g flights, trains and other means of transportation within the U.k. This also includes three nights of accommodation, visas and boxes etc.
  • * The payment of the U.K based Immigration Healthcare Surcharge. This allows the fellow to enjoy without reservations the country’s National Health Service. (Note: Fellows may be required by the authority to pay for some health services like dental and optical treatment which includes prescribed medications by doctors.)

*Research Outreach and Disseminate Cost: this stands for expenses incurred during field work, travel, conferences, roundtables, events etc.

Upon the successful completion of their fellowship, alumni can benefit from their access to:
*The academy Faculty and Chatham House Membership.

Application Procedure

To apply, applicants are required to provide the following

  1. The applicant’s CV/Resume
  2. Two referees (names and details included)
  3. A proposal of the applicants on a research project based on the topic guidance

Selection Criteria

*Applicants must meet nationality criteria

*Applicants must have a sound track record of independent research conduct. The applicant must also possess an undergraduate or post graduate level qualification or an equivalent in professional training in a relevant area.

*Candidate must also possess a profound experience background in research field which should be reflected in the submitted CV.
*Applicants should have a remarkable leadership experience or potential.

*The intending fellow must unreservedly show commitment to the Chatham House mission, goals and values and to provide evidence-generating solutions to some of the worlds complex and disturbing international problems.

*Applicants should also be able to communicate effectively on how the fellowship will help its beneficiaries to create durable positive impact in accordance with the Chatham mission and the Academy Fellowship Purpose.

*Aspiring fellow should display unlimited motivation to undertake the fellowship, meet all stipulated requirements and utilise to maximum advantage the networs, events and other opportunities provided at Chatham House with a sharp demonstration in spoken English.

Selection Process
Stage one: Applicants should complete the application. Immediately the submission period elapses, application received will be reviewed and shortlisted by the selection committee.
Stage two: Applications that are shortlisted will be invited to a zoom-platform nterview.
The virtual interview will be conducted by a member of the senior management at Chatham House alongside other relevant representatives. The completion of this stage will lead to final selection and notification via emails.
More information on: Chatham House MO Ibrahim Foundation Academy Fellowship



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