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Apply: The Ban ki-moon centre for Global Citizens (BKMC)Scholarship program 2024 for Young Africans

We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2024 edition of the Ban Ki-moon Global Citizen Scholarship Program. This initiative, led by the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC), represents the 7th iteration of our renowned Global Citizen Scholarship Program, designed to empower young African individuals committed to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Global Citizen Scholarship (GC Scholarship) is a fully virtual program aimed at equipping young African activists with the tools to address one or more SDGs within their communities. Participants will propose and execute localized SDG Micro-Projects, while also benefiting from a comprehensive curriculum including a summer school, peer-to-peer mentoring, and specialized workshops.

This opportunity is open to 17 young change-makers aged 20 to 35 from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Eligibility criteria include African nationality, completion of at least a Bachelor’s degree, a demonstrated commitment to the SDGs, and proficiency in English at level B2 or above according to European Standards.

Selected scholars will undergo an 8-9 month training program focusing on Agenda 2030, sustainable development entrepreneurship, and networking opportunities. Benefits include full coverage of expenses for a one-week Summer School at MCI Innsbruck, participation in expert workshops, peer mentoring, and a $500 seed funding for the implementation of their SDG Micro-Projects.

Upon successful completion, scholars will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by both Co-chairs of the Ban Ki-moon Centre, H.E. Ban Ki-moon and H.E. Dr. Heinz Fischer.

To apply, candidates must provide personal and professional information, details of their proposed SDG Micro-Project, a motivational statement, a portrait photo, a brief introduction video, and a CV.

The deadline for submissions is February 25, 2024.


To apply , CLICK HERE


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