Apply : shell Nigeria LiveWIRE 2023 for youths in Nigeria

LiveWIRE’s mission is to enhance opportunities for young individuals, empowering them to actualize their potential by establishing and cultivating their businesses. These enterprises not only contribute to a more robust economy but also foster communities with fulfilled young entrepreneurs.

LiveWIRE Nigeria, backed by The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), operates as a youth enterprise development initiative.

In Nigeria, the LiveWIRE Programme aims to:

Raise business awareness among final-year university students, encouraging them to view entrepreneurship as a viable career.
Facilitate the discovery and development of business ideas through Bright Ideas Workshops.
Provide business planning and management guidance through the Become A Successful Owner Manager Course (BSOM) for youths aspiring to start their own businesses.
Conduct awards for the best business plans, granting access to micro-credit facilities through external entities like banks and NGOs.
Recognize and reward young entrepreneurs sustaining businesses for 2 to 3 years, continuing the award annually.
Establish a volunteer mentoring program, drawing mentors from diverse sectors for those completing the training course and pursuing entrepreneurship.
Operate the LiveWIRE Resource Centre, offering information on youth enterprise.
The target beneficiaries are youths aged 18 to 30, primarily in the Niger Delta region, covering states such as Edo, Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, Abia, Imo, and Akwa-Ibom.

Benefits include access to high-quality programs, opportunities to connect with like-minded peers, and, for partners like Shell, avenues for public relations and brand exposure, showcasing commitment to local economic development.

The program encourages individuals aged 18-35 from the Niger Delta states with innovative business ideas, a desire to own and manage a business, and relevant qualifications to apply. Activities include the prestigious Young Business Leaders Awards, recognizing outstanding achievements in production, financial growth, employment generation, and management strategies for young entrepreneurs in business for up to 2 years.


To apply, CLICK HERE

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