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Agri business innovation grant ( $16,000 non refundable grant )

The Agribusiness Innovation Challenge receives funding support from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in collaboration with the Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC). This initiative seeks to identify and support agritech startups led by individuals aged 18 to 35, offering digital innovations that address various challenges within Nigeria’s agricultural supply chain. The ultimate goal is to enhance accessibility to safe and nutritious foods. Following the challenge, four outstanding finalists will be chosen and provided with support to implement their innovative solutions in designated locations

Key Challenge Focus Areas:

  1. Tech-Enabled Food Traceability: Innovations facilitating swift tracking and tracing of food product histories from farm to consumer, enhancing transparency throughout the supply chain.
  2. Cold Chain Storage: Innovations aimed at efficiently preserving and managing temperature-sensitive agricultural products, like starchy root vegetables (e.g., Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes), at controlled and low temperatures to uphold product quality and prolong shelf life.

Application Process: To apply, click the “Start Application” button below.

News and Information:

About GAIN: The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a foundation headquartered in Switzerland, established at the United Nations in 2002 to combat human suffering caused by malnutrition. Collaborating with governments, businesses, and civil society, GAIN strives to revolutionise food systems, making healthier diets accessible to all, particularly the most vulnerable, in a sustainable manner. By 2027, the aim is to enhance the accessibility of nutritionally enriched staple foods for 1.5 billion people and improve access to healthier diets for 25 million people, supporting positive food systems.



About NCIC: The Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC) was established with support from the World Bank and the Federal Government of Nigeria to address climate change challenges in Nigeria by fostering the development and implementation of climate-focused solutions. NCIC provides venture development and capacity-building support with the overarching goal of establishing a Sustainable Green Economy in Nigeria. This initiative aims to unlock viable green opportunities, generate employment, and promote income generation within a low-carbon, resource-efficient, and socially inclusive ecosystem. For more information, visit nigeriacic.org.

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